Main Cast
Bit Cast
Plot Fodder
Main Cast
Find yourself wondering, who the hell are these people? Well, the people worth knowing are listed here as blocks of text that give just enough information about their personality to give a reason to waste a page. There's also other bits of information that you'll never need to know about as well, you know, to pad things a bit.
Main Cast

Bit Cast
On this page you'll find those that show up every now and then. Not really important to the story, but there none the less. And just like everyone else, I'll give you information about them you'd never thought to care about.
Bit Cast

Plot Fodder
What's a story without random incocent bystanders? You know, those characters that show up for an Epi, interact once, and we never see them again. Well, on this page you can read about them and learn more about their past than I will ever put into an Epi.
Plot Fodder

Here is where I detail the bad people, those who wish to cause some sort of harm to something, somewhere, those that make a story interesting, those that respond well to such flattery, those that use such long run on sentances that I am currently writting.
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